
Otaheite Apples

Got these Otaheite Apples from the bakyard today. This is the thrird time that I am harvesting from that particular tree since this year . The first two times that the apples came they were sweet and very juicy. This time they are very sweet but not as juicy. I think I'm going to try to make a liquer (otaheite apple wine as we call it) and of course making some delicious dishes.

They can be stewed, cooking the skin separately to make a syrup which they add to the cooked fruit. Many people add the petals of the red-flowered hibiscus  to make the product more colorful.The  apples are often cooked with acid fruits to the benefit of both. They are sometimes made into sauce or preserves. The slightly unripe fruits are used for making jelly and pickles..
Both red and white table wines can be made from the apple. The fruits are picked as soon as they are fully colored (not allowed to fall) and immediately dipped in boiling water for one minute to destroy surface bacteria and fungi. The seeds are removed and, for red wine, the fruits are passed through a meat grinder and the resulting juice and pulp weighed. To this material, they add twice the amount of water and 1 1/2 lbs (680 g) of white sugar per gallon, and pour into sterilized barrels with the mouth covered soon with cheesecloth. Yeast is added and a coil inserted to maintain circulation of the water. The barrels are kept in the coolest place possible for 6 months to 1 year, then the wine is filtered. It will be of a pale-rose color so artificial color is added to give it a rich-red hue. In making white wine, the fruits are peeled, the only liquid is the fruit juice, and less sugar is used, only 1 1/4 lbs (565 g) per gallon, so as to limit alcohol formation over a fermenting period of 3 to 6 months.

The flowers can beeaten in salads or preserved in syrup.


  1. I've eaten a lot of these. In fact I recall as early as '87 climbin' trees in Jawa Tengah for it, we call it "jambu merah" or "jambu air", 'wis/'udah/sudah masak (already
    ripe", when stll green "belum masak" (yetnot mature). When young, w/salt, when mature, sweet as is !! Especially in that heat, I would imagine it would be much the same in Jamaica !!

    1. Hi! You are from Indonesia? We mostly eat them ripe, fresh from the tree. I don't think we eat them green, not yet mature (but blogger, Jamaican Foodie seems to suggest that we make a pickle with them.). In what way do you eat them? We don't eat them young either. But we do eat green June plums/Jew plums with salt. We also eat green, but mature mangoes with salt (and black pepper).

  2. This is so interesting. How do you make a sauce with them, and how do you make a pickle?

  3. Add some more compost to the soil. Looking good 👍🏽
